blood drive

The recent Blood Drive at our school marked a historic success, thanks to the incredible efforts of staff, teachers, students, and community members. Their dedication and participation made this event the most successful blood drive our program has ever hosted.

More than 20 pints of blood were collected, including the highly valuable O+ Power Blood, which plays a critical role in combating Sickle Cell Anemia. This inherited condition affects 1 in 365 Black babies born each year in the United States and relies heavily on donations like these to support treatment and care.

This achievement showcases the strength and compassion of our school community. The next Blood Drive is scheduled for February 25th, and weā€™re already looking forward to surpassing this record-breaking milestone.

Letā€™s make it happenā€”mark your calendars and be ready to save even more lives!

blood driveblood driveblood driveblood driveblood drive