What is JROTC?
JROTC is designed to teach high school students the value of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment, while instilling in them self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The program’s focus is reflected in its mission statement, “To motivate young people to be better citizens.” It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting graduation from high school, and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.
The Panther Battalion welcomes parents, cadets, and any high school students who would like to attend or watch our classes, events, or courses. We offer volunteer opportunities for cadets and students interested in getting involved with the surrounding communities.
As an Army JROTC Cadet you are embarking on one of the most interesting and valuable educational experiences of your high school career. The program provides you with tools and skills you can use to succeed in high school, but far more important, these tools and skills will be useful for the remainder of your life.
You Will Learn To:
Appreciate the ethical values that underline good citizenship. Citizenship, taught through a study of history and government, demonstrates the importance of commitment and strengthens your character and resolve as you grow. You will learn to make ethical decisions based on core values.
Develop leadership potential and learn to live and work cooperatively with others. Teamwork and leadership, within teams and groups, are essential to the smooth operation of any organization. You will learn leadership to increase your skills, not only to lead but also to work as a member of a team. Service, drills, challenges, and other competition make learning teamwork and leadership challenging and fun.
Think logically and communicate effectively both orally and in writing. You will learn important skills in writing, reading, and test-taking that will allow you to excel in your class outside JROTC You will learn basic problem-solving, financial planning, and conflict resolution life skills that will help you live in the modern world.
Appreciate the importance of physical fitness in maintaining good health. Fitness, wellness, and good nutrition are necessary to perform as a good citizen and as a good leader. JROTC will instruct you on how to achieve and maintain physical fitness. Instructions will be provided on how your brain functions, how you can maximize your learning and effectiveness, and how to avoid pitfalls such as substance abuse.
Develop mental management abilities. You will be able to assess your skills and learn to make more logical, positive decisions and choices. You will learn how to set goals and develop an action plan that will help to achieve those goals. As you become a better citizen, a better leader, and a better team member your self- esteem will fly. Your "Can Do" attitude will show beyond JROTC.
Understand the importance of high school graduation to a successful future; learn about college and other advanced educational and employment opportunities. Develop the means and motivation to graduate from high school and to pursue a meaningful life. You will learn about the many varied opportunities that are available to you upon graduation. The foundation and competency skills required to work effectively are ingrained throughout the curriculum.