Wednesday, March 27, 2024, was another event filled day.  The group visited the Arlington Cemetery.  While there, they watched the changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and witnessed a wreath laying ceremony.  While the bugler was playing Taps, in the distance, a burial was happening, and a 21 Gun Salute was rendered unexpectedly which added to the ambiance of the event.  The cadets all commented on it and were informed on how rarely that occurs.  Also, of note and surprise, it was the first time any had ever seen or witnessed a female Guard.  After departing Arlington, they visited the inside of the Capitol Building.  It was the first time any of the cadets had been in the building.  In the past, the touring cadets only saw the Capitol Building from afar.  Next, they went to the Supreme Court, which was in session, then went to the Russell Senate Building to meet Senator Ted Cruz's National Security Advisor. The cadets were able to walk through the underground tunnels and engaged the speaker well, asking several very good questions.  LTC Alessi says this is a rarity and not a normal type of tour stop. It was a special event, and the cadets had the privilege of meeting him in one of the Committee rooms, which again is very rare.  At the conclusion of Wednesday's visit, they traversed the monuments in the pouring rain and then departed DC and arrived for that evening's entertainment at Medieval Times to the enjoyment of all.  The cadets' spirits, despite the rainy conditions, immersed themselves into the experience, and left the building chanting "Down with the Queen".  Our cadets chose the Blue Knight as their champion, and he went rogue against the queen.  Needless to say, they all got into the role well and several even lost their voices from cheering so loud.