Take the Pledge

Stay in the Game Pledge (Link Will Open in Separate Window)

The Stay in the Game! Network is celebrating Attendance Awareness Month with a Student Attendance Art Contest. Studentsā€™ artwork, in their chosen medium, should showcase the top reasons why they like coming to school or why getting to school each day is important.  

Schools and districts can post pictures of their studentsā€™ work using the hashtag #StayInTheGame to be recognized by the Cleveland Browns, Columbus Crew or Ohio Department of Education! One winner will receive two tickets to a Cleveland Browns or Columbus Crew game. 

The Stay in the Game! Network is excited to celebrate attendance with Ohioā€™s schools, districts, communities and families. Click on picture above to take the Pledge to Stay in the Game and Keep Learning, Every Day!!! It will open in a separate window.

For more information or questions, contact attendance@education.ohio.gov.